
Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Stained Glass of Saint Sernin

I have, for some time, had an obsession with stained glass windows in churches. It is something that is missing from most churches in America, but in Europe it seems that most churches have at least one or two stained glass windows featured in the smallest to grandest churches. It is a great way for an artist to depict saints, scenes, or designs without taking away from the architecture of the church itself.

The first blog post will be of Saint Sernin in Toulouse. This is one of the most visited churches in Toulouse because it is along the route to Santiago de Compostela. 

St. Anne-Saint Sernin de Toulouse
Déambulatoire de la Basilique Saint Sernin de Toulouse

                  St. Roch Vitrail-Saint Sernin de Toulouse
 Vitrail-Saint Sernin de Toulouse

This is one of my favorites, as it depicts a picture of the church itself in the background.

Vitrail-Saint Sernin de Toulouse

L'imagination est l'oeil de l'âme.
Joseph JOUBERT, Pensées
Imagination is the soul's eye.

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