
Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicolas

The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicolas

Finished in 1912, the Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicolas is one of Nice's most popular architectural sites. This impressive church makes you second guess whether you are in France or some how transplanted into Russia. 

Detail of The Russian Orthodox Cathedral of Saint Nicolas

The intricate details and colors of this cathedral is what makes it to be one of the most impressive works of Russian architecture outside of Russia.

Onion domes on Cathedral Saint Nicolas

This cathedral has been under much dispute over the ownership, and it was forced closed in 2011 over the legal battle. Luckily, once the ruling was place, there was a surge to get this iconic cathedral back open to the public and since July 2012, it again has become one of Nice's most visited sites. 


Vivre ce n'est pas seulement changer, c'est continuer.
Pierre LEROUX, De l'humanité, Doctrine, livre II, chap. 2 
Living doesn't just mean changing, it means continuing.

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