
Thursday, January 23, 2014

Tapas Thursday - Los Coloniales

Eating - it is one of my favorite things to do. Luckily, I have a few months stay in Sevilla, where food is one the highlights of the city, and it is a host to more than 3000 tapas bars. Here in Sevilla, the very essence of getting tapas is something not to take lightly. Many tapas bars are very crowded and it is very intimidating being the sole tourist in a local bar trying to get inside. But, once you have a caña, sherry, or a vino in front of you, the focus becomes entirely on the food. A common practice here in Sevilla is to bar hop, simply slip into one bar and grab one or two tapas and a drink, then on to another bar. This of course, can go on for multiple hours and it is always fun to have some friends to come along. We have not quite gotten into the habit of going to multiple place because it is always so hard to pull away from a place that has so much to try. I am sure that we will have plenty of time to work on this in the upcoming months. 

For the first Tapas Thursday post, I am showing you a few plates from one of our favorite places so far, Los Coloniales. 

This friendly bar is always busy. We have been with friends and by ourselves. The experience is always great and the food is amazing. Here is the Ensalada de Pulpo, it is very simple, yet delightful dish. Pulpo, or octopus, is marinated with olive oil, red and green peppers, and onions. 

Los Coloniales has three different types of Solomillo, or pork. This plato has a sauce made with port, hence the name Solomillo al Oporto. This was a media plato because we were sharing with four others, so it is quite large. It has a generous helping of the port sauce and patatas. 

The highlight of everyone's evening, as I think we ended up ordering three plates of these, were the Huevos de Cordoniz con Chorizo. This dish was such a delicacy. Made with quail eggs, a meat, in this case chorizo, and placed on a piece of toast, these flavors just melt in your mouth. These seem to be one of the most popular dishes at Los Coloniales as I saw multiple plates pass by our table. 

Now that I have made myself hungry again, I will leave you with the recommendation that when in Sevilla, make Los Coloniales "a must" on your tapas bar list. Looking forward to bringing you more tapas next Thursday!

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