
Monday, December 16, 2013

Signs 2

In my second segment of signs, there is a strong theme of animals. The French seem to take their animals seriously, whether it is eating them, having them as pets, or even for decoration in their home.  I hope you enjoy the signage below. 

I know that this sign is one of my favorites of my husband. Not only does he love charcuterie, he also loves signage that draws him into them. This sign is so simple, yet refined. We did not go into this charcuterie because it was closed for the afternoon when this picture was taken, but it will always be remembered by both our stomachs and our minds with this appropriate signage.

For some reason the French love the rooster, or "coq." This was made know to us when we were with our "host family" the first day in France and our host (Monsieur B) made us say it correctly several times (when our accent was not thick enough) when the dish that was used to serve us had a "coq" on it. So, on that note, every time we passed by this Coq Hardi sign, we both chuckled and pronounced "coq" multiple times in our best French accent. 

This is the sign used by all veterinarians in southern France, and I assume that maybe all of France, but I have not verified this. I have a certain fondness for veterinaries, as I used to work in one, and it always reminds me of my cat that I had to leave at home. I took this not knowing that this is a universal sign for veterinarians, but to have a simple reminder of my past.

Why would you not get clothing or accessories for your pooch here? The French are somewhat dog obsessed, which I love. Dogs are the center of attention and accompany most of their owners everywhere: the store, the butcher, the bar, or even the French equalivant of Family Feud, where the host has his two dogs on stage with him for the show. Many dogs have shirts, coats, or a number of accessories that just make them as stylish as their French owners. This sign just goes to show that they take pride in a shop that helps make their dog's appearance seem classy and simple.

I hope that you will continue to follow the signs of France with me. More coming soon.

La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri.
Sébastien Roch Nicolas, dit CHAMFORT, Maximes et pensées
The most wasted of all days is the one during which you did not laugh.

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