
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Eze Goddess Sculptures

One can reach Eze from Nice in a matter of 20 minutes by bus. The winding road that leads you up the steep mountain, twists and turns, giving different views of the mountains and the Mediterranean with each new bend. When the bus drops you off at the bottom of Eze Village, you still have a small upward climb to reach the city itself.

One of the most popular sites to visit in Eze Village is its Jardin Exotique. On our walk up to the garden itself, we were taken through the small village and its pathways past artist's shops. We had read that the garden was "the" place to go for some of the most amazing views of the Cote d'Azur and definitely worth the entrance fee. 

 What we did not read was that the garden was home to many beautiful sculptures. These beautiful goddesses move you through the garden paths. It is as if their smooth and serene gazes are to be copied when walking by one and taking in its view.

They are strategically placed throughout the garden, each with a goddess name and a small poem. They are an excellent addition to this already lovely garden and definitely a focal point for views of the sea of of the mountains.

I will now join the millions of others stating that the views from this garden are definitely some of the best of the area. But, I hope to also add a slightly different view as well: enjoying the Cote d'Azur with the beautiful goddesses of Eze. 

La vie passe à user une passion et à en reprendre un autre.
Charles-Jean-François HÉNAULT, Réflexions
Life is spent using up one passion and recapturing another.

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