
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Tapas Thursday- Restaurante ConTenedor

Restaurante ConTenedor has been on our radar since we have been in Seville. It has extremely high ratings and also it is a convenient five minute walk from our apartment. We chose an evening with some friends to dine at this amazing slow food restaurant and were not disappointed, by the food or the company. This slow food restaurant is often packed and a reservation is usually needed. It delivers a fresh approach to food, it is suitable for vegetarians and meat-lovers alike and is a nice break from the Sevilla tapas bars.

After settling down at our table and ordering an amazing bottle of wine, we took a look at the chalkboard menu for that evening. We settled on ordering an appetizer of a salad of salmon tartar to share while the rest of our order was getting ready. This dish was beautifully presented and reminded me that it was indeed spring, hence the name of Tartar de Salmon con Ensalada de la Huerta. The salmon tartar was definitely the highlight of this dish, but not without the help from the radishes, cucumbers, arugula, and the creme-based sauce that accompanied it. A great start to a wonderful evening of dishes. 

One of our friends ordered their most popular dish and was nice enough to spare a few bites for us. Arroz Negro con Calamar was an amazing dish and no wonder it is recommended. The rice is perfectly cooked with squid ink and what is to be assumed as a fish stock of some sort. It has a briny taste that is well accompanied with the calamares and the spicy pimento sauce. A dish that definitely should not be glanced over. 

I ordered the Arroz con Setas y Pato and it was easily one of the richest dishes that I have had since we left France. The rice was lightly fried and had a duck leg and thigh placed on top. The mushroom sauce had a rich, creamy texture, perfect with the tender duck and rice. It was a creamy mix of heaven and I would order it again without a doubt, but I would probably be hesitant not to try to some of the other options that they have.

My husband's plate was the Parrillada de Pulpo con Curry and I did not even get a bit of this dish as it disappeared as fast as everyone else's. The octopus was lightly grilled and placed with a curry-olive oil base. It was placed on top of a mixture of zucchini, squash, and beets. This combination, according to my husband was delicious and a wonderful mix of textures.

With a little more room to spare for dessert and a coffee, we ordered the Migas con Límon. From past posts, you probably remember that migas are bread crumbs baked with grease from a meat and this was their fun play with migas for dessert. The migas were chocolate cookie crumbles and were  served with a lemon custard and ice cream. A refreshing ending to a wonderful meal. Add some coffee to this mixture of flavors and I was in heaven. 

I would recommend anyone who visits Sevilla to make sure to stop at Restaurante ConTenedor for a unique experience of Spain. 

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