
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Tapas Thursday - Bar Antojo

Anyone hungry? My selection for this week's Tapas Thursday is a real find and you better go with an empty stomach. This place is situated on a street past a local favorite hangout, the Plaza de la Alameda de Hércules. When we went for lunch, we were the only non-locals there. The menu at Bar Antojo offered the normal tapas choices, but it also had a few that are unique to only them.

Lagrimitas de Pollo empanadas con salsa barbacoa was our first item ordered. If you are craving the taste of chicken nuggets or chicken fingers, here is your solution, only these are so much better. These crispy pieces of chicken were juicy, tender, and a perfect way to start our meal. They were served with couscous and garnished with barbecue sauce. Now remember this is Spain, and the barbecue sauce is nothing like in the states, but this was a sweet sauce that went well with these tasty little chicken bites. 

The star of the show was the next selected item and the waitress gave us a "bueno" when we ordered it. Not knowing exactly what we were getting from the name except some type of bacalao, the Carbón de Bacalao was a black mass of fish heaven! Forgive the photo below as it was hard to keep my husband away while trying to snap a photo of the inside. While I am not sure how this was made, we sure did not have any problems finishing this masterpiece. This gigantic piece of bacalao was covered in a light batter (it was black from something one can only assume to be squid ink or maybe it is charred somehow, but I am not completely sure on that) and then lightly fried. The outside had a delicate crunch and the fish inside was flaky and perfectly cooked. It was served with a slaw and a cream-based sauce that was excellent both with the bacalao and alone.  I would definitely come back just for this dish alone.


I am a huge fan of dessert but there are not as many choices here in Spain like there are in France. When we were asked if we wanted un postre, I realized that I had not had any dessert yet here in Spain, so of course, I had to say yes. We ordered the Pastelito de Chocolate de Metate Tibia and were not disappointed. The gooey chocolate-filled cake was delightfully rich and was accompanied with vanilla bean ice cream and graham cracker-like crumbles. I definitely had my fill of chocolate for the day and went home with a happy stomach.

I hope you enjoyed looking at the tapas at Bar Antojo and look forward to making your taste buds dance next week!

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